Looking To Buy A Live Reptile Online? A Few Things You Should Consider When Having The Animal Shipped To You
Posted on: 15 June 2017
If you are looking to purchase a rare or exotic reptile, you may turn to people who have reptiles for sale over the internet. This is one of the best ways to get your hands on breeds that you cannot find locally. However, if you have never purchased a reptile for sale over the internet, you may be unsure what things you need to consider before having the animal shipped to you. Here are a few of the factors you should consider that will help you ensure the safety of the reptile and help you hone in on a great internet reptile seller.
If It Is Legal to Own the Reptile Where You Live
Before you purchase a reptile for sale to be shipped to you, always do your homework and ensure the reptile is legal to own and be shipped to you. In some cases, you may be required to obtain a permit or certification before the animal can be shipped to you or before it can reside with you. If you are unsure of the restrictions where you live, check with your local Fish and Wildlife Department. They can see which laws and regulations apply to the species you are looking to purchase. Do not assume that just because it is shipped to you, it is legal to own. This may not always be the case.
How the Shipper Regulates the Reptile' Temperature During Shipping
Many reptiles need to either be kept warm or cool. If their body temperature gets too hot or too cold, their health may suffer or they can die. As such, many people who sell and ship these animals will only do so when temperatures are between certain levels. If they are hotter or cooler than what the animal can tolerate, they may hold off on shipping. Additionally, they may use many other items to regulate the pet's temperature, including heat packs, ice packs, and dry ice. Always ask a seller what steps they take to help ensure the reptile's temperature is regulated during the shipping process.
What Shipping Method The Seller Uses
If you are having a reptile shipped to you, you want to take the time to find out what shipping method the seller will use to ship it to you. The longer the reptile is in transit, the more likely it will be that they can encounter health issues. As such, you want to find a seller who either overnights the reptiles or ships them two day. Also pay attention to whether they require you to sign for the animal, what carrier they use and if the company requires that they be certified in order to ship the animal. Many companies, such as Fed Ex and UPS require those shipping live animals and reptiles to hold certifications issued by the company, showing they know how to properly ship the animal.
If They Offer Any Guarantees
The last factor to consider when selecting a reptile seller to ship a reptile to you is if they guarantee the reptile will arrive to you alive and healthy. A seller should stand by their reptiles if they know they are selling healthy animals and properly shipping them to you. If they do not, you may want to avoid them.
When you are looking to purchase a reptile over the internet, the reptile will likely be shipped to you. There are many factors you need to consider before purchasing a reptile to be shipped to you. Paying attention to all of these factors will help you to find an honest seller who helps to keep the reptiles safe and healthy during the transport process.