Pets Animals

  • Does Your Cat Have Hyperthyroidism?

    Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland starts releasing too much or its hormone, known as thyroxine. You may have heard of this condition occurring in humans, but it can affect cats, too. In fact, it is the most common endocrine (hormone-related) condition in cats. It's important that you know what the signs of hyperthyroidism are so that you can give your vet a call in a timely manner if you recognize them in your own cat.
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  • What To Do If Your Cat Needs Medication While You're At Work

    Cats typically do just fine being left at home while their owner is away at work. However, if your cat has recently been diagnosed with an illness, injury, or needs medication for some other reason, you could have a conundrum on your hands. Hospitalizing a cat purely to ensure that they get their medication on a consistent basis is extremely expensive and not practical for most cat parents. Thankfully, there is a good alternative that can guarantee your cat gets the medication it needs even if you're away at work or on a business trip.
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  • Is Your Cat Going Crazy With The Scratching? 4 Reasons You Shouldn't Have It Declawed

    If your cat likes to scratch and claw it's way through your house and your skin, you may be thinking about having it declawed. You might have heard that it's a simple process, and that it won't harm your cat in any way. Unfortunately, that's not entirely true. In fact, it can harm your cat, and it's not actually a simple process. Here are four reasons why declawing your cat could harm your cat and cause problems for you.
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  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Brush Your Dog's Teeth Every Day

    Every time your puppy tries to give you a kiss, you may find yourself reeling from their bad breath and wondering if you need to start brushing their teeth. However, providing dental care for your dog benefits them in other ways more important than just keeping their breath fresh. Below are three reasons why brushing your dog's teeth every day can keep them healthy. Allows You to Check for Problem Teeth
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  • Worried About Your New Feline Friend? 3 Tips To Help It Adjust To Its New Home

    If you've decided to adopt a feline friend, you should know that you're about to adopt a lifelong buddy. You should also know that your new lifelong friend is going to have a mind of its own. Cats are cautious by nature, and may take some time to warm up to you. Once it has warmed up to you though, your new cat – or kitten – will provide you with hours of loving enjoyment.
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  • Take These Precautions When Walking Your Dog In The Summer Heat

    Like humans, dogs are equipped to deal with high temperatures for short periods of time. They can slowly adapt to spending more time in the heat, but the heat is always going to present a few risks, from dehydration to a chance of heat exhaustion. So, when the temperature rises, take these precautions to keep your canine companion in top health. Offer cool water frequently.  If you take your dog out for a walk in the heat, always offer him some cool water as soon as you come home.
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  • Five Ways To Puppy Proof Your Home Before Bringing Home A German Shepherd Puppy

    German shepherds as adults are loyal, courageous, intelligent, and devoted. German shepherd puppies naturally grow into these characteristics, but they also naturally get into trouble. One thing that most German shepherd puppies do is bite and nip. It's how they learn about their environment. It's also how they create messes and, unfortunately, get injured. Before bringing your German shepherd puppy home, here are 5 ways to puppy-proof your house so your little pooch doesn't get injured.
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  • 3 Tips For Keeping Your Cat's Mouth Clean

    Every cat lover knows that most cats are fastidious about keeping themselves clean. However, no matter how meticulous your feline is, there are some aspects of cleaning that your cat just can't do for themselves. For example, your cat can't keep its own teeth and mouth clean. Gingivitis and other dental problems are common health issues for cats, and you can protect your pet from them by brushing their teeth on a regular basis.
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